i agree, with many of the people, it sucks but its not entirely bad. it is your first short film afterall. all i have to say is that, your actors arent good, and they kinda suck other than that your cinematography and editing was pretty aite

but seriously, you should fire all of those actors they suck and pretty much destroyed the film. the "General" WAYY TOO YOUNG, dun make sense having a super young general, you should have used the old guy in the office who gives them the assignment and switched roles with that young guy.
Mise En Scene was decent. just your actors are terrible hahaha no offense..... you should have looked for some theatre students or something where ever you live.. Im a film student and i know lots of hardwork was put into it, i just cant help ranting about your actors tho, terribllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
They need more attitude........ anyway props