I strongly believe this is an operator issue. I have owned a KJW M9 for about 3 years. I have 3 KJW magazines and I maintain them regularly. I have never had a single problem. My mags have no leaks not even slow ones.
My pistol has seen a lot of action and has required only one repair small repair. It is my one and only pistol work horse. It saw a full season of regular use as I was a sniper.
Did you buy it used?
Originally Posted by matt491
That's exactly how I heard about it. From another guy like me who swears by KJW because of their full metal built and internals and good price, but their mags do get leaky without proper maintainence. Anyway, he told me all his mags are leak free now because of this.
Remove the bottom plate of the mag, and there's a little screw. Take that out and the bottom of the mag comes out with the fill valve. There's a rubber ring around that that had a little nick in it, so I wrapped the teflon around that and push it back in, screwed it in, and filled. Baam, no leak!