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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:45   #41
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Location: Japan
Originally Posted by snipersyntagmatik View Post
hi amos - i'm always in a process of learning!

i used the gun oil specifically for the trigger assembly - but yes i agree, with the gun oil's break-down properties ... just using for initial break-in, which is crucial for a piece like this with metal parts banging against each other!

after some break-in, then it's time dismantle again, clean and re-lube with jig a loo or something that metal and rubber safe but viscous enough to remain on! GBBR's get messy quick ...oh man, but that recoil is intoxicating
Sounds good

I'd recommend a Viscous Molybdenum grease for the trigger area and a Silicon lubricant for all the air seal areas

Make sure you clean off all your O-rings and seals with warm soapy water after you're done breaking it in.
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