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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:09   #39
snipersyntagmatik's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Mississauga, ON
hi amos - i'm always in a process of learning!

i used the gun oil specifically for the trigger assembly - but yes i agree, with the gun oil's break-down properties ... just using for initial break-in, which is crucial for a piece like this with metal parts banging against each other!

after some break-in, then it's time dismantle again, clean and re-lube with jig a loo or something that metal and rubber safe but viscous enough to remain on! GBBR's get messy quick ...oh man, but that recoil is intoxicating

Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Sounds like you really know what you're doing which is awesome... However I wouldn't suggest the use of any actual fire-arms related lubricants.

They're meant to penetrate actual metals and could very easily be detrimental to your Orings and seals.

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