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Old January 23rd, 2011, 01:58   #632
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: oakville
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Originally Posted by dirtdiver View Post
As for the brass tube my gun cycles fine but when racking the bolt you can feel some resistance about half way back that is coming from the contact with the brass tube... I'll try what you did to polish it and then grease it for a smoother draw.
You will still get some resistance but its much smoother im going to attempt the mod to stop propane/gas from blowing into my face and out the front where it should.

Going back to the ra tech tight bore inner barrel issues I have now tried a combination for fileing down the tip as ive already posted and adjusting the bb chamber still with no sucess. too make sure I have not sanded down to much I tried the original barrel and a seperate bb chamber and it sitll seems to be fireing well but no idea if it has adjust the fps.

On the orginal inner barrel and bb chamber i pulled it out of the outer barel and wanted to what would see if I manauly placed a bb into the brass chamber where its normaly loaded by a mag. I then tried to push it threw with the bolt by hand and when i do this it gets lodeged in the bb chamber ever so nicely making a good seal to use the gas to blow it out of the barrel and i could tell this because one mild tap with the cleaning rod on that bb that was pushed into place with the bolt it slide right threw, intresting.

In the tight bore I performed the exact same test and the bolt dose the exact same thing it wedges it nicely into the lower part of the bb chamber but when I try to push it threw with the rod it requires a rediculiss amount of force and almost seems like its catching the lip of the inner barrel before being pushed threw and has left me clueless what my next move is to solve this.

I am not going to give up on solveing this issue and I'm still shocked no one has a firm solution for this problem I am going to attempt to get someone from ra tech on the phone or via msn soon since I've read that they dont seem to be responding to issues reguarding this matter.

If you have any more ideas suggestions or have successfully installed one on the closed bolt system then please speak up I was hoping to have it fixed by the game at sgt splaters this sunday.

Apreicate any helpfull feedback ideas.\

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