Originally Posted by -Skeletor-
Numbers are weapons are rack numbers for when they are at the CQ/SQ lockup/vault, etc It isn't an Operator thing, it is an all Military thing, SOF units, Infantry and even CSS units all do the rack number and have a marking on the weapon somewhere. All rack numbers I've seen were on the lower receiver, not on the upper. Some units/individuals may mark other weapon parts(sights, PEQs, etc) with a rack number but I wouldn't say its a common thing. On weapon parts like sights, they have serial numbers as well so you can ID your kit that way but that stuff would generally always be on your weapon anyways so not something that would easilly get mixed up with other peoples kit.
As for the comment about everyone having their weapon parks all marked so they don't get mixed up when the weapons are disassembled.. it would be a really stupid thing to get your stuff mixed up with buddy beside you... you would lay your parts down on a little section in front of you and not in the same area as the guy next to you..
Don't know if the bolded was aimed at me:
We have somewhere in the vicinity of 70 WE M4 mags on our team. Most of them are marked because we often throw a mag to a buddy in the field. I realize I should have clarified.
EDIT: Reread, never mind. Still, above is a good example.

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