I finally tried to shave down the diameter on my stock nozzle and previous to this it was getting stuck making it pretty hard to remove.
Now I have went over it with 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper and now its much much smoother when it gets stuck it requires a quarter of the energy of what it used to, to remove but I am still jamming bb's.
I'm not sure how much more I want to take it down because anymore and it might be too loose.
I could really use some advice on this and I'm not sure how to proceed but I cant give up on getting this thing working.
Currently I',m using the light green hopup that almost looks like a V instead of the dark black hopup (I've seen it pictures they were using it and it thought might help due to the tightness of thew new barrel)
I really hope someone can shed successful ra tech inner barrel light on the closed bolt system so we can end this fiasco!