Thanks, all good ideas. I have an "union", I guess it's the word for "syndicat" in french. They contacted me a lot durings this. I asked them if I had no choice but to tell every little details about my personnel life if the psychiatrist decide to ask me. They told me that I had the right to feel uneasy and tell him that. Even if he his a psychiatrist, I'm not going on my own to see him. I have a doc, a person who I trust. I have the feeling that they want to look threw everything of my personnal life to get ammunition on their side. Wich I was going there with a lawyer who could told me what to answer and not. That's the feeling I have, they put me in this feeling of being judge and that I'm the one to defend myself.
Yes it's a very toxic environnement. I will quit it but I have debts that I must clear first. My gf and family want me to change job.