Originally Posted by warlockv2
im 26 years old, sorry i know about getting age verified, i figured id ask here first, and get serious, you even get id'd at walmart for these so.. obviously im over 18, but il get age verified, maybe today
Getting carded is usually dependant on the store, and having them is not by any means an indication that your are an adult. But since you say you are 26 no problem you can get your AV and all will be well in the world. I would that you do return them and get your money back. If you are interested about trying airsoft but are not ready to drop $500-600 just to try it thats ok. There are many people who are willing to rent a gun and some mags to a player. I suggest you contac an AV and arrange a meet. See if there are any events planned and ask around to rent some gear. That way you can get an idea if you think you will like it or not. It also help so fill out your location so locals can help you out.