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Old November 27th, 2010, 10:00   #31
L473ncy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
Combat Photographer!

You can do a meet and greet and get your foot in the door. If they decide they like you the admin running the game may make an exception to you playing (I can't say for sure though).

NB (Nota Bene): To purchase a gun you must be 18+ (in fact apparently it's law in Ontario), however to play it all depends on who's running the game and how they feel about these things. Some admins will say 18+ no exceptions, others might allow minors supervised by an established player (ie. father or uncle and son/nephew group), some may say 16+ with guardian playing on field with them, even others might say 16+ (or sometimes younger) with waiver signed by parent. Just remember, it can't hurt to ask and at least you get your foot in the door and you get more known.

PS: Thanks for being so mature about this, a lot of the times minors around your age will throw a hissy fit at not being allowed to play. I can see you having a great time in the community as long as you maintain the attitude that you have right now.

NB: ASC maintains it's own system for purchasing and selling guns. It is by no means the end all be all but it is a significant chunk of the market in Canada. As well, do not attempt to have a parent make an AV shell/proxy account for the purposes of only purchasing guns (unless that parent is looking to become an active player and play alongside you).

EDIT: People in the US pay significantly less for their guns (for a fairly good quality metal gun in Canada, BNIB you're looking at $450-500 minimum (and once you turn 18 and can see the classifieds packages can go from $150 for a cheap parts/fixer gun up to $3000+ for a PTW in a package with all the bells and whistles and all real steel parts). Also NB that we use POWER limits NOT FPS limits (for ease however it's usually translated to the speed using .20 BB's) so if the limits are 1.48J then chronoing using .20's will give you 400 FPS and chronoing using .25's will give you a little less than 360 FPS.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; November 27th, 2010 at 10:07..
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