Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short
What ??? You can still close the GB properly like that ?
Put tape inside the mechbox is a very serious no go for me. Only one thing for air seal : silicon seal. just go at any Canadian Tire and take some, I use a transparent one normally made for doors (don't put that on your bare finger).
Put some of that around the rubber seal of your cylinder head, don't hesitate to make a massive one, when you put back in place in the cylinder, just remove a the overflow but leave a little bit and stretch it a bit on the cylinder to make a nice seal.
It will do, in my opinion, a better job that any tape out there.
For the piton use some white lithium grease, it's getting cold and regular grease have a tendency to make small frozen bit in the GB... and the gears hate rocks. Put som on the piston rails, the teeth and around the rubber seal of the piston head.
If you still have problem, try to look at the seal between the nozzle and hop up rubber.
DO NOT PUT tape on the hop up rubber and inner barrel : if dismounting needed, you take the risk of tearing it ! Plus it's going to be a pain to put in hop up block.
You can however put a little lithium grease or silicon oil on the barrel before putting the rubber on : when drying it's going to make a "semi solid" seal (I don't have a better name for it). Be sure the rubber is perfectly in place : the barrel must go all the way in an be in contact with the bottom.
What is the brand of the FAMAS actually ? It may give leads on where to look.
its not sticky tape. its used in pneumatic systems and hydraulics. and the total of two layers of this stuff only adds an additional .1mm or so, not nearly enough to make it really difficult to do a full disassemble.
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
It's an old trick to do on sniper rifles and some AEGs. Won't damage anything, but you might find the hop up/inner barrel difficult to reinstall due to the added bulk of the tape. Trail and error really, but it only works once. If you take it apart in the future, you'll have to apply new tape.
stolen from a thread early on in the year. i suggested this method due to the fact that it sounds like he has a serious rubber problem, be it gap, or cracks in the rubber. it is not touching the nub.