Thread: M4 gbbr
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Old November 19th, 2010, 19:58   #1
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Florida
M4 gbbr

I'm looking into getting into the gbbr world. I'm looking to start with an m4 because of all the aftermarket support. However I am having trouble deciding which one to get. There was a g&p woc-x series for 200, but now that is out of stock and a king arms m4 for 250. I love the trademarks on the king arms but there haven't been many reviews on them. The woc-x just went out of stock and I'd like to know if its worth waiting for over the king arms. I'm also open to getting a we g39c. Any help will be appreciated. Oh and I don't live in Canada so the price will be the same except shipping will probably be ridiculously high.
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