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Old November 17th, 2010, 21:25   #1
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GBB 'gas mileage' decrease??

Hi ASC, looking for help from some of the GBB guys here.

I have a KJW KP-05 (double stacked 1911). For the first 4 months of usage the 'gas mileage' was excellent, 2-3 mags worth on a single fill.

I took it out after 4 weeks of storage, gassed it up and now it consistently gets 4 individual shots per mag before the mag runs dry. There is no excess gas venting from the barrel or ejection port. All mags and gun were lubed and filled prior to storage.

Has anyone else run into this problem? It seems pretty bizarre considering I'm using a new propane bottle. I will be buying another bottle tomorrow incase it's the new bottle that is the issue.

Any help on this would be appreciated, I'm purplexed on what is happening. (Checked all mag flow valves for smooth movement and valve knocker for issues, all look fine)
Call sign: Shadow_Matter

"I play airsoft, yes yes..."

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