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Old November 13th, 2010, 11:18   #1
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Belgium
WE G39 - full auto problem: all gas ejects out of magazine SOLVED

Hi yall,

I spent some time shooting my WE G39 (converted to a fullsized G36, pics will follow) and in semi auto, it really shoots like a dream!
I got nice fps figures: 370-390 fps and the kick is really really hard!

(though I would like to see what evike will offer by the end of this year, on his site he states he will offer a conversion kit to go 500 fps

But I am not happy with the full automatic performance, and I dont really know what can be the problem.
If I start at full auto, so when I enter mag and cock it, than shoot it => I have issues.
If I start at semi auto, than i switch to full auto => I have the same issues.

The issue is, either the gun stops firing (hammer is not engaged) or gun stops + all the gas ejects out of the gun!
Now I have no more gas, mainly due to that!! :banghead:

I dont know why that happens at full auto, but I always find a bb around the valve or feeding area....

I used another brand of bb's, I used Cybergun AEG Expert bio bb's (.20g)
The bb's that DIDN'T work in full auto were the G&G .20,
So be aware!

Last edited by Riko; November 14th, 2010 at 12:40.. Reason: PROBLEM SOLVED!
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