ok, took some photos, definitely looks like your selector switch rod is either reversed side to side (can't tell from above, on either my photos or yours) or rotated 180 degrees and the arms themselves are installed in the wrong orientation. when in safe, you should see the middle part of the selector as a kind of flat top, with a little bump in the middle , towards the back. this means the rounded part of it is on the bottom and preventing the trigger from physically moving. my pic shows the bump.
Originally Posted by coachster
Don't force the selector to safe or auto from semi unless you have cocked the bolt back. If you force it, you will break it.
There's a huge WE gas guns maintenance and help thread where it's explained.
I've looked at that thread myself, and the biggest problem? finding useful information in any sort of reasonable time frame. I've looked at it for hours and still not read all of it, with all the links given... It really needs to be consolidated.
In regards to the selector being forced, the only thing it should ever be in contact with is the full-auto sear and the trigger. It never touches the hammer or the bolt. From direct testing 5 minutes ago, when the safety is on, unless the hammer was cocked prior to putting the trigger group in safety, do NOT rack the bolt or force the hammer back. The trigger has to move back a bit to re-latch the hammer, and with the selector physically preventing this, something is going to give, and it will likely be either the hammer or the front of the trigger. So switch to semi, rack the bolt or cock the hammer, then back to safety, no more issues.