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Old October 2nd, 2010, 13:33   #1
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Fredericton NB
TM M4 feeding issues

I have a TM Colt M4 that will not feed.

I have MAG 130 rd mags and Green Label PMAGs. The MAG brand mags worked in my JG M4 and the PMAGs are brand new.

Usually I can get the first BB to fire but 99% of the time I have to jiggle the mag until I hear a click which allows me 1 more shot. I have not managed to get the gun to fire more than 3 bbs in full auto.

I've tried lubing, shaving down the Mag retainer lip 1 mm, taping the mags and/or magwell and I've yet to have any success. I've seen similar issues through searching but nothing I've tried seems to work. Any working photo link would be really helpful too
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