Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
LOL...This is where I tracked down my last 5 sets of replacement lenses from. The prices on the Bolles themselves fluctuates on their site from as low as you to as high as $59 per pr. I cleaned them out on the lenses about 7 months ago.....and don't ask how many I have left, or how much you can buy them from me cause they're not for sale.
Anyways, I have been dealing with Botach for many years with no issues (other than they will not take credit cards issued outside of the US or debit and such....you must pay via money order in US funds).
However, be advised that my last two orders were placed in early April for various items not affected by the ITAR list, and I just received half of each order two days ago. It took them almost 5 weeks to get back to me on the international shipping costs and such so I could send payment.
Then they advised me that they back ordered 40% of my order
AFTER they received my money (sent by registered mail). And there has been no update as to when I will be receiving the remaining items (they'll let me know.....).
Communications with them is hit and miss, depending on who is handling your order (international orders have additional step for payment, shipping, and so forth). Diego is very good, but Shannon and the other lady that work there are out of the loop in terms of maintaining customer relations.
I have been waiting to see how this situation get resolved before I do a review on them.