As Sha Do stated, the reason that you can't find real Bolle X800 series replacement lenses is that Bolle has not made that goggle and lens for some time. The current lineup includes the X900 and X1000--and the X1000 is the replacement for the X800. If you have purchased an X800 or T800 series replacement lens then Bushnell says it's probably not a Bolle lens.
I have a pair of X800's that I bought a long time ago from the Bushnell outlet in Overland Park, KS, USA, and recently sent them in for repair, but they were unable to repair or exchange the lens and had to offer the X1000 as a replacement (but they did give me a "trade in" discount.)
You can contact Bushnell (the manufacturer of Bolle optics) directly in Canada if you have any questions about the new models.
Bushnell Corporation of Canada
25A East Pearce St.
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 2M9I
Important Phone Numbers:
Local Phone - (905) 771-2980
Other - (800) 361-5702
Local Fax - (905) 771-2984
Other Fax - (800) 661-3254