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Old May 28th, 2010, 11:40   #65
Zeonprime's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Waterloo, kitchener, guelph, mississauga, north east toronto
Originally Posted by teriases View Post
I bet if u ask why they do that they'll say "that's just my style, got a problem with it?"

Just reply : "I have no problems with u being a sissy, as long as u also have no problems with me giving you a BB shower! PS - no mercy is in effect!" BANG!

*power walks Away slowly*

all well and good unless there is a mercy rule in effect and you just violated a safety protocol.

Yell at them to join or leave them behind. the positive to leaving them behind, is you may have someone covering your six incase the opposing team manages to flank you.

Originally Posted by DanoftheDead View Post
I am a noob and have never spawn camped, I think its got to do with people who play alot of COD or something, waiting where you know they'll spawn, they want to get shitloads of kills and I get it, but I don't imagine it being very fun waiting for someone to spawn. I like the fast pace of the game, take point, take out the targets and move forward to claim the next position. I noticed these spawn campers usually get dealt with quickly, a good ol' discouraged headshot can do the trick but only if they really deserve it, other favorite places to shoot is the back of the arm (the soft skin) and inner thigh. If you have a bb shower even better!
I know that some hosts ban spawn camping (I do). you come across those types of players, check with your host.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.

Last edited by Zeonprime; May 28th, 2010 at 11:44..
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