Kings Arms Ak 47 mags jamming issues
so i recently wanted to try out these new mags i bought for my ak(5 in total), they are Kings Arms 110rds plastic mid-caps. I went to load them the first time without any problems, they fed perfectly. When it was time to reload them they all jammed no matter what gram of bb i used. Im using a speed loader to fill my mags, one push of the speed loader sends about 4 bb's into the mag, all of them jamm and stop feeding after 2 pushes. i tried to lube them with silicone as the box they came in reccomended, but still no luck afterwards.
later on i was experimenting and found out that the mags dont jam if i were to put each bb in individually, one by one ( which SUCKS) but do jam when are put in 3+ at a time.
i dont really know how to fix this because they are spring loaded, aswell as this is the first time this has happened and im not familiar on how to solve mag issues
can anyone help me out i really dont wanna load them one at a time
all help is appreciated