Just an update, for any who might be interested. At the last game, I did indeed tinker with the positioning of the chamber, and now the slide locks back flawlessly once a mag is empty (tried with all three of mine). So in the future, if your KSC USP seems to cycle fine but the slide won't lock upon emptying a mag, the chamber might be out of alignment. I know that if it's been pushed upwards, the action won't cycle at all (I had the problem before, and when I fixed it, this one popped up), so I guess if it's too low, it won't lock the slide back when a mag is empty...talk about splitting the atom, ha ha!
Anyway, I don't know if that's was actually fixed the problem, but it's the only thing I did, aside from wiping the slide rails a bit, but they weren't dirty or anything anyway, so I doubt that it did much if anything at all.
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt...and then it becomes sport!