Sudden drop in rate of come?
Hi guys,
So I have the following problem with my CYMA AK 105:
I had a pretty awesome rate of fire with it especially with a 9,6V with my modify S90 spring.
I just changed the spring for a S100 one and put a new hop-up set (which apparently is the one with the best seal; the Element (red) one.)
I only cleaned up the interior, and regrease, did not touch the shimming that I did previously (everything was fine so there was no reason for me to do that.)
After changing the spring, I test fired it...
I notice an amazing drop in rate of fire. Even with a 9.6V it was very sluggish. And only an increase in about around 15 FPS. In Semi, the gun semi lock alot, I had to switch to full auto quite alot to unlock it.
So I am wondering is it because I have a really crappy motor? Because I changed everything on the gun except that. But it was working fine with a S90 I can't imagine that for switching only to an S100 spring the motor could not take it anymore..And also I am shooting at about 360 FPS with an S100. With a tightbore 455 and supposedly a real good hop-up chamber, I was expecting to shoot around 375 FPS...
Anyway if you have any input, it will be appreciated