Red I think you're the one not making sense. Saint has done the research and interviews.
It was presented as part of a masters thesis/dissertation (and I assume survived the thesis defence stage) so I'm pretty sure that what he's saying is 100% (well... maybe 99% +/- 1% for a margin of error) accurate and true. Not only that, don't look look a gift horse in the mouth and READ in between the lines the post in the AV section.
EDIT: Basically what he's doing is what PK was doing before except not being lazy about some things and secondly has all the legal paperwork and interviews with (what I assume to be officials designated to speak/rule on such issues) to back it up.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
Last edited by L473ncy; April 29th, 2010 at 18:39..