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Old April 1st, 2010, 15:47   #6
T-Hell's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Winnipeg Manitoba

The L85 from ICS is an AWESOME gun

but a PAIN in the ARSE too... Parts are hard to get and not cheap if you can...

Mach 1 carries parts for the ICS L85A2 if you need.

so if the BB Shoots and it appears a new mag works...

sometimes some mags just don't get the release button pressed properly by the gun. and thus no bb's get released.

ex in my M4 with the new King Arms Metal Mags they slip a bit and thus the nub that releases the BB's does not get pushed.

all I did was use some tape in the bottom inside of the meta casing and it pushed the black plastic internals up a bit and thus let the system connect

it was more a mag problem then a gun problem other Mags work fine with no adjustments

Rhino Living
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