Let's Make Parts From Scratch, 2010 continued

Picking up where we left off, I used a scrap of material (with slots that just happened to be the right width) to quickie-up a drilling fixture, with two small bar clamps. Using this setup, a drilled all the a-arms.

At this point, I peeled off the shelf paper and print-outs. If I had used Scotch tape, this step would take HOURS...trust me on this, don't try to use cellophane tapes at all.

I guess I'll show you how the rod-ends get fixed into these here...

First, I glued all the arms to a strip of .060" thick ABS scrap.

then I scored next to each part with a Stanley blade (it's RARE to see use one of these in a proper knife handle. Copy me at your own risk).

And then snapped free, and the other sides done to match.

So we now have a socket where once was a slot.

Grab da rod-ends now...

And a bit of Oatey Black ABS cement into those sockets, and screw in the rod-ends.
What should we make next...