Thread: Caw m79
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Old January 30th, 2010, 02:48   #1
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Chilliwack British Columbia
Caw m79

hello, I recently bought an M79 designed by Craft AppleWorks.
I was playing with the gun, and when I pushed the barrel back into place I noticed that it wouldn't lock, then upon deeper inspection I deduced that a small pin had fallen out from the safety catch.
I found the pin, and tried putting it back into the little slot but no such luck.

when I got home, I looked online trying to find a manual or a website with some design schematics but no such luck.
I’m turning to you guys as a last ditch hopes that maybe you could help me out.

thank you...

attached are some photographs of the item in question.. I don't know if they'll be of any help but I’m including them anyway.

the whole where the pin goes.

same slot, just a little closer and clearer.

the saftey catch pin, it is a round cylender with a smoothed indent to catch the lever.

don't settle with words what you can accomplish with a flamethrower
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