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Old January 14th, 2010, 04:44   #242
uMadd, Padd?
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Location: Vancouver Island, BC
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People should start shipping via Greyhound Courier. It's faster than Rosie O'Donnell sitting down too fast, and it's cheap(in some cases cheaper than CP). At most it's a few hours late, none of this day/week/month crap that we have to put up with when dealing with CP. I ship things with them all the time, and never a problem. Maybe if people start phasing out CP and using a courier that's actually cheaper than them in most cases, they'll get their shit together(but I doubt it!).

I think if Frank or Ken decides to ship with them, I will be the guinea pig and buy the first product!
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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