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Old January 14th, 2010, 01:06   #12
T-Hell's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Winnipeg Manitoba
My issue was resolved when I got some missing parts (anti Reversal) from the ASC Seller (he forgot it) and also there was a broken Pin inside the trigger mech that was broken when I got it...

there were a lot of issues such as Bad shimming (really bad) Missing Mechbox parts Cracked motor housing freyed wires, a broken pin in the trigger housing a stripped piston, a piston head that looked like it was attacked with a dremmel just to name a few this gun is very hard to find parts for and when you do they cost $$$ to ship in

anywho I bought the gun end of summer Sap some time I guess in 09 and have yet to game it as our team tech has been cursing the seller trying to make this puppy work...

I think it is about 98% ready just greasing and good to go.. it has been a long haul. so much so that I would not purchase from this member again.. if he is a gun tech I am the pope..

Rhino Living
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