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Old December 27th, 2009, 22:11   #18
infernau's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Just a thought

I know the conversation here is about bolle T-800's (I've got a pair) you can also score revision locusts on ebay for less than $40 new! The U.S. army issues more kit than they know what to do with, I've got two pairs of locusts and spent less than $60! They do fog up when there's no breeze (I haven't tried fog tech yet, AI speaks highly of it though) I wear my bolle's indoors 'cause they have better venting given the design but if you want a great goggle, superb fit and low price look up ebay in the states. These goggles have a wicked protection rating, for the price they're awesome.
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