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Old December 23rd, 2009, 18:01   #27
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Citrus Heights, CA
Holiday Vacation, Time to cobble up a part or two.
I need some switch panels for the overhead going into my truck, I used my usual methodology, although this is a car part, you can pretty much make up anything you need, within reason, this way:

Draw the parts in CAD and print at 100% size (my pattern sets are saved as 100%-sized *.jpg files, by the way) on paper. I decided that square panels were boring, so I got kinda artsy-fartsy with the mount tabs.

Then I used some blue masking tape to cover my 6mm PVC scrap (I got this material just for begging a dumpster-dive at InterstatePlastics, and it is a dead-on match for vicky red, coincidentally) and then sprayed the back of my printout with Super90 Spray Adhesive.

Note that I didn't spray the masking tape- because any areas not the covered by paper would then stick to my fingers and make cutting a pain instead of a joy. (It's fun making your own stuff, when it doesn't include bloodshed).

The tape layer allows EASY removal of the CAD artwork after cutting. You could also use cheap contac paper to do this, and I have had very good results with it.

Definitely mark the hole locations in advance with a punch or similar item.
Drill bits walk around without a center mark, even on a paper surface. Also, start with a tiny drill bit, and 'pilot' all the holes first. Any error in drilling will be MUCH smaller with a small diameter bit to start. Then you can enlarge the holes later with a bigger bit, and it won't wander. That way, all the holes will line up.

The part here has just been buzzed out using a band saw:

I'll go back and sand the edges, but the saw gets vary close to begin with.
That's a second pattern on top there, waiting its turn at the knife.

Here's the panel, minus sanding. The front row of switches is test-installed at the moment. The other 16 switch positions will have standard, un-shielded toggles. Maybe... I like "Helicopter switches" a lot, and know where to get at least a dozen more.
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