Does anyone Sell the Savephace lenses... the lenses thermal lense that came with my mask did not fit correctly and both anchors did not snap into place
The single clear lense works Fine, but I live Canada and I need that thermal lense it's December!!
All in all the mask is super lightwhieght, the Digi All terrian pattern looks nice, I can fit my glasses underneath it perfectly, I can look down my RDS fine and as for head Gear I can still wear my PASGT
Swat helmet with the forehead protector on
- like the last review said it's ASMT - SE approved, they shot a quater inch ball bearing at the lense at 450 fps and it only dented the lense.
If you are shot from 10ft or less in the lesne it's recomened you remove your lense prior to next game.
- Cons - you need some really thin ass screw driver to remove the forehead protector to attatch the Visor, I recomened using something thats megnetic.
- Cons - Not so much the a Save phace issue but, I had to pay 50$ COD from customs to have it shipped from texas
- Cons - My mask showed up with one of the anchor pins cracked...
anyways just looking for lenses now, it's not a mask for everyone given face shape but it works for me!!
Last edited by Dekan Frost; December 6th, 2009 at 02:47..