Wow you're alive. Nice.
Hows it coming on?
Well, taking care of wifey and her recent cancer surgery kinda blew me off tracks. I've been getting some time in on my stereo for my truck, and cleaning shop.
Yesterday, I cleared the warehouse and stock shelves of every single "gun part" I had in inventory, and took them to the recycling center. Likewise every single fixture for making guns. Any future work will be "clean sheet" and done as prototypes only. Never again will I offer a gun for sale, period. The very LAST M2HB body goes to Wifey's MOM, for being so cool to me and her.
I have two heavily-engraved 1919 bodies I saved from the dumpster, and they'll be wrapped up for now and shelved. All current "minigun" parts also bit it, I decided to focus on "new work" there also.
I still have the advanced versions of the Shrike here, also saved from demise. the CoffinLoader WILL get finished out, and set up as a CQB gat.
The MacGlashan copy is getting the barrel and mount added, I have a few small parts to run on the CNC to complete it, and then it becomes a permanent fixture in my yard, complete with AC power supply-powered ammo drive and converter.
You shoulda seen the faces while I shoveled this stuff out at the "dump"...shock and awe are the only words to describe it, as all work in the yard HALTED, while dudes scoured through my debris. I won't be surprised to see a few more of my babies on EBay in Sacramento soon, HA!