TLP-15 Charger problem
I know it's not gun related, but it is somewhat airsoft related, to I'll give it a shot.
I've had this TLP-15 charger for quite a few years now, but I didn't use it much for the past two years. What's happening with it is that when I set it to fast-charge mode, it charges maybe 400-500 mah into a 5000 mAh NiMH then falls back into trickle mode, like if it already detected the voltage peak. I press the fast charge button again, once again it charges 4-500 mah, then back again to slow charge. The charge rate is set to the recommended rate of 3 amps.
First I tought that this might had been related to the fact that my batteries were old and defective, that's why I threw them away and got two brand spaking new Elite 5000, one being a 9.6V, the other being a 12V, both were bought from cheapbatterypacks and are wired with 14AWG and Deans.
Any help here?