Thread: Glock Thread!
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Old October 23rd, 2009, 10:54   #94
Join Date: May 2009
Location: PA
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i will contribute...........

Current list............

* Custom PDI 6.01 TBB
* GUARDER STEEL SLIDE AND BARREL (the holy grail!!!!)
* Guarder Enhanced Recoil spring
* Guarder Enhanced Hammer spring
* Guarder Enhanced Loading Nozzle
* Guarder Steel Recoil Guide Rod
* Guarder High Output Valve
* Guarder Steel Trigger Lever
* Guarder Steel Magazine Catch
* King Arms Air Seal Chamber
* Firefly Rocket Valve and Piston Head Set
* STEEL Magazine Extension
* STEEL Rear Sight
* KJW Heavy weight Frame
* SILVERBACk Laser sight
* Clipdraw Real Steel clip (replaces need for IWB Holster)
* BRAND NEW internals (every single part and spring)
* .30 BB Bastards or KSC Perfects (I have both in .30)
* I got the PDI 6.01 TBB for a TM G26 Advance, cut it down to 74mm (stock is 73mm) fluted and beveled the end, and it is a perfect fit. its a shame PDI doesnt make a TBB for the G26, but at least I was able to mod one to fit. and I also sighted in the laser, which is absolutely awesome!!!

all I do is point the laser, and pull the trigger, and it is DEAD ON!!!!!!!!!
current weight = HEAVY AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by MikeMcNair; October 23rd, 2009 at 10:57..
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