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Old October 19th, 2009, 09:09   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: The Shwa
Thumbs down AK fires then....NOTHING

Well i bought a brand new Dboys AK74 full stock metal body, off of haung a few weeks ago. took it out to 2 games this weekend, and started to shoot, got the hopup measured in shoots like a dream when suddenly in the most inoportune times it just stops firing. at first i thought it was the famour "selector switch glitch" it wasn't i tried switching it through every mode, safe, full, semi. nothing.

upon putting the grip to my ear and listening to the motor, you can hear the motor attempting to turn over but nothing....

i found a reasoanable fix, but it only works for a short period of time (700 rounds or so....)

I detach the grip then detach the motor cage, re attach it, and it magically works.

it makes no sense to me.... if i works once i re-attach it shouldn't it work all the time?

please help
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