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Old August 31st, 2009, 10:33   #52
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Location: London,Ontario
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As for the PEQ2 box, I am not a fan as well, but that is the only place my batter will fit. There is no room anywhere else on the gun to put the battery. That is the primary FAIL of the SA58OSW. All the other SA58 series take the battery in the stock.

It is just barely (1.5 to 2 inches) longer than an MP5DS, and again just a tad longer (2 to 2.5 inches) longer than a AKSU or MP5.

The Upgrades I have left to do are for performance. A tightbore barrel, and have it tuned for 340 to 350 fps.

I have only used this gun outdoors thus far, and it performs without issues.

6 Section, 2 Forward Observation Unit Airborne, Royal Artillery
Level 2 Certified BA Sniper
Sniper Instructor (Fieldcraft)
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