SCARY, is how cheaply a nastie like this can be put together.
I can lay in bed, and crawl all over my cul de sac, hiding in bushes, and finding different spots to lurk in. I've since covered it with fake plants from a craft stores, so it looks like a bush itself.
It's never been detected, and I've had SO many nice headshots in frame, from over a block away...
can't take 'em tho, the thing's top speed is a crawl.
Where will a gun fit on this....hmmm
The WK-Cordless drill hybrid:
782:1 gearing
Harbor Freight 18v Cordless Drill replaces RC motor.
Custom-CNC Chassis, .750 stretched
Wheely King axles, Rear is Positraction
STOCK links and driveshafts
Working Dozer blade/ 3-Point Hitch
2nd-Gen Clodbuster Cab, WW2 roll cage
HPI RS4MT front shocks
topic here: