100 fps m14 ?
Hey guys,
I bought an G&G M14 veteran and it's a very accurate gun out of the box. I really love it but the main problem is , it produces 440fps stock (m130) so there was no way i could of brought it to game. I had to downgrade it. Ordered a systema m110 but didnt arrive friday for me to perform the downgrade (game was saturday)....so i went to SurplugIG , i had no choice of buying a 30$ no-brand spring m120 because it was the only one available.
Opened the legendary V7 gearbox ...Changed the spring. First thing i realised was that my stock spring was a bit bigger in terms of diameter and shorter (1inch) than the no-brand spring i bought. I re-assembled everything ... shot few times. Didn't shoot through even first layer of a box ... I shot myself. Didnt really hurt. Chroned at Rawdon @ 100fps.
Gun was shooting hard and strong before i changed the spring. Could it be possibly the spring sucks? I had to attempt 3 times the disassembly of the gear box because one time, one of the gear coulnt get a grip on the piston so it was turning and grinding the piston. It grinded the first teeth of the piston. I melted a bit of the plastic to shape/mold the first teeth back and it worked. Putted extra glue to reinforce the plastic. It shoots good now , is just its low fps ... i don't think that the piston is the bad thing here.
I'm wondering if anyone had experience with this? 100fps after downgrading.
Thank you for your precious time guys.
Last edited by Ayashifx55; August 16th, 2009 at 10:10..