Originally Posted by Steve_U1S
It'll be #87 - though wear on the interfacing surfaces of the hammer itself, #94, could also be a culprit.
When you pull the takedown levers to pull the slide off, is the back end of the slide colliding with the hammer rather than gliding off?
I've see a lot of well-worn Gs, especially select fire models, that have to have a small tool inserted to hold down the hammer while removing the slide, as it's worn and sticks up in this manner.
Check that out - but, very likely the sear part #87.
Replacing that will likely bring things right back to spec, by the sound of your symptoms (but I'd like to hear your take on the hammer, as well...)
Unluckily for me, this issue only happens whenever it wants to. It still fires shot after shot but when in a firefight, i get screwed over because it just won't cock back. But if i do pull the takedown levers, it doesn't slide off since the hammer is in the upright position. As for the sear, it looks alright but i can't tell 100% for sure. As for the hammer, it looks fairly worn down.