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Old August 2nd, 2009, 01:00   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Brandon Manitoba
G&G AK47 Fun times - Need help!

Well, A few days ago I was plinking around with my AK47, and out of the blue... The gun started sputtering shots. Some wouldn't go through the barrel, some would shoot, some would just roll out. It was horrid! Expecially just after getting the damn thing.

Anyway, I finally mustered up the gut to pull the thing apart and found a few things... Now, just to make things clear. I'm not exactly well educated in gundoctoring (Yet, I hope to be able to offer such services in the future) But i've found I was getting absolutely no compression with the cylinder.

I put my finger to the nozzle and depressed the cylinder. I had little to no resistance and air seemed to seep out from underneath the air nozzle itself and the cylinder heads nozzle (Not sure of the proper terms for such). I pulled the air nozzle off and did the same thing, air was also moving out from around the cylinder. I'm not sure that if this is normal or not... But, like i said i'm uneducated in such things.

Now, i'm thinking that I need to put grease or something in the cylinder and the nozzle to help stunt the airflow to have it go through where it should. If i am right, which is best to do so? I was able to reassemble the gearbox with little to no issue. I just need the thing firing now.

Thanks for the help

Last edited by Strelok; April 11th, 2011 at 11:40..
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