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Search: Posts Made By: Lockark
Forum: Newbie Tank August 7th, 2013, 15:42
Replies: 63
Views: 34,993
Posted By Lockark
If your just starting out a Dboys AKS can be...

If your just starting out a Dboys AKS can be realy fun, and then you can use the mags/Gear in a load out for a full sized CYMA AKM if you want to upgrade to playing woodlands latter. Helps get you...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 22nd, 2013, 23:20
Replies: 1
Views: 4,071
Posted By Lockark
Tracer that will fit in a G&G "UMG" surpresser

So I have a G&G UMG, and I realy want to trow a Tracer on this bad boy. After waiting forever for a place to get them in stock I finally managed to get my hands on the G&G UMG mock suppressor.

Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 17th, 2013, 15:20
Replies: 1,174
Views: 6,920,220
Posted By Lockark
I'm guessing somewear in this thread someone must...

I'm guessing somewear in this thread someone must of mentioned it but:
Forum: Newbie Tank January 20th, 2013, 17:57
Replies: 48
Views: 24,257
Posted By Lockark
I use a paintball style airsoft mask for indoor...

I use a paintball style airsoft mask for indoor play since I like the extra protect when that close. I find the iron sights on my UMP IMPOSSIBLE to use well useing it. Luckily a Red-Dot and Rail...
Forum: General January 19th, 2013, 23:47
Replies: 6
Views: 4,999
Posted By Lockark
Red neck hit the nail on the head. Just use the...

Red neck hit the nail on the head. Just use the Green Gas mags. From what I understand it will also drop your FPS down to CQB levels, witch is what most people buy pistols for anyway.
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi January 18th, 2013, 21:54
Replies: 7
Views: 30,510
Posted By Lockark
Just a quick update. This is going to be a alow...

Just a quick update. This is going to be a alow project, due to not having the funds ATM so really push this project forword. In a few months I'm planing to try and attempt something with the mask.
Forum: General January 18th, 2013, 21:45
Replies: 67
Views: 39,008
Posted By Lockark
I wondered the same thing, but according to the...

I wondered the same thing, but according to the Frog Lube website it says that it is good for both Airsoft and paintball. It even mentions it being good for maintaining the O-Rings in a paintball...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 13th, 2013, 15:49
Replies: 9
Views: 8,317
Posted By Lockark
I gave him the heads up. I personally have...

I gave him the heads up.

I personally have been using a CYMA AK, so I'm going to get him to order the correct sized Shims and do that for him.

Thanks. Hopefully I might eventually get good...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 13th, 2013, 01:50
Replies: 9
Views: 8,317
Posted By Lockark
Well looking up the take down instructions for...

Well looking up the take down instructions for the Dboys Scar, I noticed that apparently it takes down the same way as the Classic Army SCAR, not the VFC SCAR. Are you sure it's not a Classic Army...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 13th, 2013, 01:37
Replies: 9
Views: 8,317
Posted By Lockark
Luckily I have a dremal tool already, so I would...

Luckily I have a dremal tool already, so I would be able to do that for my friend. I'll let him know, thanks!
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 13th, 2013, 01:30
Replies: 9
Views: 8,317
Posted By Lockark
opps. I've only realy started playing airsoft...

opps. I've only realy started playing airsoft prety recently. All these abbreviations have been hell for me to keep straight. sorry. D=
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 13th, 2013, 01:03
Replies: 9
Views: 8,317
Posted By Lockark
Question about EGLM's?

A friend of mine was looking for a EGLM for his D-Boys scar. He was looking at a VFH EGLM.

But well looking up reviews about it, I found a Youtube review were in the comments he claimed that the...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 10th, 2013, 00:34
Replies: 1,174
Views: 6,920,220
Posted By Lockark
Because why the hell not. ...

Because why the hell not.
Forum: Newbie Tank December 24th, 2012, 13:04
Replies: 90
Views: 369,212
Posted By Lockark
Sorry if this has been asked before but... I...

Sorry if this has been asked before but...

I don't want to upgrade my AEG's battery for performance, but longevity/battery life.

Is their a way to do that, or are you better off just having a...
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi December 24th, 2012, 11:20
Replies: 7
Views: 30,510
Posted By Lockark
OOOHHHHHHHH! I gotcha! Thow I'm not sure what...

OOOHHHHHHHH! I gotcha! Thow I'm not sure what matrial I need to sculpt the features out of, that will be soild enough for use in airsoft.
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi December 23rd, 2012, 19:35
Replies: 7
Views: 30,510
Posted By Lockark
The skull mask won't do for me. The Blood Pact...

The skull mask won't do for me. The Blood Pact masks are leering faces with pointed chins and noises.

Thanks for the advice anyway.
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi December 23rd, 2012, 14:14
Replies: 7
Views: 30,510
Posted By Lockark
Blood Pact: Warthammer 40k. (Advice needed)
Forum: Gear Discussion December 15th, 2012, 02:11
Replies: 11
Views: 11,146
Posted By Lockark
Ah, that was my problem. Thank you. Now I...

Ah, that was my problem. Thank you.

Now I just got to figure out how I only search a specific Fourm instead of the whole fourm.
Forum: Gear Discussion December 15th, 2012, 00:39
Replies: 11
Views: 11,146
Posted By Lockark
Thanks for the advice guys! I will start looking...

Thanks for the advice guys! I will start looking into your suggestions.

I did try to use the search bar, but I got a ton of unrelated threads. I couldn't figure out a way to narrow the...
Forum: Gear Discussion December 14th, 2012, 02:14
Replies: 11
Views: 11,146
Posted By Lockark
Glasses friendly goggles?

So I'm slightly near sighted. Just enough to that legally I have to wear glasses when a drive so I can read road signs. Other wise I never wear them, because anything indoors is close enough for me...
Forum: Newbie Tank December 9th, 2012, 23:18
Replies: 6
Views: 6,363
Posted By Lockark
Thanks for the heads up! I just want a side...

Thanks for the heads up!

I just want a side arm that's not going to brake the bank yah know? To round out my kit. It's the reason I was trying to advoid the GBB pistols.

I will look into AEP's....
Forum: Newbie Tank December 9th, 2012, 03:14
Replies: 6
Views: 6,363
Posted By Lockark
Electric Blow-back pistols?

I've seen on US/International sites such are Red wolf these "Electric Blow back pistols", and they seem very affordable pistols. (in the 50 USD range!) speficly they were Tokyo Marui guns that would...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 8th, 2012, 00:07
Replies: 16
Views: 15,400
Posted By Lockark
Great pic! Gun looks slick! Also good to...

Great pic! Gun looks slick!

Also good to know. I ordered a Drum mag for mine also actually. What does Tuneing up a drum mag involve? Is their any Videos or articles detailing it you could direct...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 7th, 2012, 23:49
Replies: 16
Views: 15,400
Posted By Lockark
I was just pointed out to me the verstion of the...

I was just pointed out to me the verstion of the CYMA RPK I'm getting is a wood folding stock, instead of the Wood fixed stock ones I've always been seeing.

Is it possible to swap the folding...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 7th, 2012, 19:47
Replies: 16
Views: 15,400
Posted By Lockark
I have no idea. I'm getting my 1st airsoft gun in...

I have no idea. I'm getting my 1st airsoft gun in a week or so. lol

Maby someone who knowen better can answer that too? lol

Thanks for the advice! I haven't ordered any of the inner parts...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 7th, 2012, 19:41
Replies: 16
Views: 15,400
Posted By Lockark
Now a local player who owns a CYMA RPK and has...

Now a local player who owns a CYMA RPK and has done alot of upgrades to it, told me the shorter inner barrel is not a issue.

Well a guy on youtube who does are of custome work on airsoft guys said...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 7th, 2012, 17:49
Replies: 16
Views: 15,400
Posted By Lockark
Help: CYMA RPK (1st time upgradeing a gun!)

Hey. 1st off I'm new to airsoft, and getting ready to order my 1st gun. I realy want a RPK, but have been told by others that if I'm going CYMA I will need to put money into upgrading parts and ect....
Showing results 1 to 27 of 27

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