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Search: Posts Made By: Diabolic Tyrant
Forum: Newbie Tank December 27th, 2010, 21:08
Replies: 15
Views: 14,676
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Pretty sure bass pro carries them. Think I saw...

Pretty sure bass pro carries them. Think I saw some when I was in there a couple months ago.
Forum: Newbie Tank December 25th, 2010, 23:42
Replies: 13
Views: 9,352
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Talked to people who have owned both the KSC and...

Talked to people who have owned both the KSC and TM, from what ive heard, KSC is amazing up till about the second year line I think the person said, his and 2 other team mates who bought the same...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 23rd, 2010, 12:56
Replies: 19
Views: 16,725
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
My response to that message Kid you know...

My response to that message

Kid you know fuck all about this apparently. Weight has nothing to do with it, its the spaces in the frame and mag well, the parts would fall out because they are too...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 23rd, 2010, 00:34
Replies: 19
Views: 16,725
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Called out his mistakes in the video, got this as...

Called out his mistakes in the video, got this as a private message. I Lold HARD.

FOR YOUR INFO. it is a real slide. and its moddifide to fit in gbb parts. and its not heavy. its just heavyer...
Forum: General December 21st, 2010, 16:45
Replies: 24
Views: 20,999
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
To add to that, avoid the use of the word GUN...

To add to that, avoid the use of the word GUN completely, if they ask what its for call it an airsoft marker, and if they give you a weird look, say its like paintball only you use BBs instead of...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 18th, 2010, 21:54
Replies: 6
Views: 7,773
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
The only time you ever use it outside of a field...

The only time you ever use it outside of a field is when you are plinking in your basement or cleaning it. Never use it in public irregardless if its clear and or has an orange tip. And yes the...
Forum: General December 18th, 2010, 12:34
Replies: 1,263
Views: 15,034,165
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Wait they are actually supposed to deliver it?......

Wait they are actually supposed to deliver it?... I always had that slip, never once was it actually dropped off at my house. FUCKERS!
Forum: General December 17th, 2010, 16:25
Replies: 7
Views: 8,028
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant Some of the guys...

Some of the guys ive talked to order from them, and I hear they can varie with shipping times, some people get their stuff In a week, others a month and a bit. And theres...
Forum: General December 17th, 2010, 16:22
Replies: 7
Views: 8,028
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
probably their own charges for exchanging the...

probably their own charges for exchanging the currency... I would look at ordering gear else where. Its kinda like paypal, how they add 10% -/+ sometimes as a middle man fee.
Forum: Newbie Tank December 14th, 2010, 07:58
Replies: 24
Views: 21,039
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
No, C02 doesnt work well in the cold either. And...

No, C02 doesnt work well in the cold either. And I agree with the guys saying avoid GBBR and go with AEG first, they are still usable in the winter (Given you keep them warm), but its not recommended...
Forum: Newbie Tank December 5th, 2010, 15:15
Replies: 24
Views: 16,381
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Nope, the only reason I go to walmart is for...

Nope, the only reason I go to walmart is for arizona, and 2 for $5/10 dollar dvd deals. Other than that, I avoid that place like the plague.
Forum: Newbie Tank December 4th, 2010, 22:13
Replies: 24
Views: 16,381
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Go read the FAQs now... And i seriously mean like...

Go read the FAQs now... And i seriously mean like NOW, and the community frowns upon underagers owning guns.
Forum: General October 29th, 2010, 21:24
Replies: 91
Views: 47,824
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
You realize that airsoft is a GAME right? This...

You realize that airsoft is a GAME right? This isn't Afghanistan :P
Forum: General October 24th, 2010, 22:23
Replies: 30
Views: 20,072
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
You all worry too much.

You all worry too much.
Forum: ASC News and Announcements September 24th, 2010, 14:30
Replies: 66
Views: 209,441
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Jesus this place is like a con-artists dream. Not...

Jesus this place is like a con-artists dream. Not that hard to drop off the radar either.
Forum: General September 18th, 2010, 20:32
Replies: 22
Views: 15,267
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Its not hard to buy airsoft online either and...

Its not hard to buy airsoft online either and paint it pure black.
Forum: General September 18th, 2010, 20:27
Replies: 47
Views: 25,732
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Sniping isnt like the movies, you will fucking...

Sniping isnt like the movies, you will fucking suck absolute dick at it until you pour lots of money and time into it, its not fun to start out with, I dont know why all you fucking kids come here...
Forum: Newbie Tank September 9th, 2010, 22:53
Replies: 8
Views: 10,041
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Most airsoft guns arent to scale with real...

Most airsoft guns arent to scale with real firearms (Around 1/8 less) so no airsoft receivers will not fit on real steel and further more the fucking monkey metal those things are made of wouldnt...
Forum: Gear Discussion September 4th, 2010, 21:31
Replies: 11
Views: 13,885
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Forum: Newbie Tank August 31st, 2010, 13:40
Replies: 17
Views: 13,427
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
If I were a CBSA agent with no airsoft background...

If I were a CBSA agent with no airsoft background or info, i would think i struck gold or someone is the worlds biggest fucking idiot. Uzis are banned in canada. The highest capacity magazine in...
Forum: Newbie Tank August 31st, 2010, 13:28
Replies: 9
Views: 8,168
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
360? :D if so add me, gamertag is the same as my...

360? :D if so add me, gamertag is the same as my forum name, and welcome to the forums.
Forum: Gear Discussion August 29th, 2010, 23:37
Replies: 37
Views: 54,120
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Oh and just a heads up you might want to check...

Oh and just a heads up you might want to check out one of the long sleeve Bdu shirts, the ones ive seen have like a outer armour torso piece and then actual BDU clothes on the arms with velcro...
Forum: Newbie Tank August 29th, 2010, 20:27
Replies: 20
Views: 16,056
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Its not just the Airsoft thing that makes me want...

Its not just the Airsoft thing that makes me want to live in the UK, its the club scene, the music, the women, and the architecture/culture/landscape, always admired the UK and Ireland.
Forum: Newbie Tank August 29th, 2010, 20:00
Replies: 20
Views: 16,056
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Wanna trade? I wanna immigrate to the UK XD

Wanna trade? I wanna immigrate to the UK XD
Forum: Gear Discussion August 27th, 2010, 23:02
Replies: 10
Views: 32,516
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Do you have a link to any of his items? I did a...

Do you have a link to any of his items? I did a ebay search for his name, M05 camo, M/05 reproduction/fake/faux. No results. Thanks for the help though in pointing me in the right direction :D If i...
Forum: Reviews August 27th, 2010, 02:45
Replies: 74
Views: 158,741
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Never really paid attention to peoples posts when...

Never really paid attention to peoples posts when talking about shipping costs but how many mags did you pick up and about how much was the shipping and any other fees total it to? Thanks.
Forum: Newbie Tank August 27th, 2010, 02:42
Replies: 258
Views: 1,537,449
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
No. You can however attend games and watch and...

No. You can however attend games and watch and maybe play at hosts discretion but dont expect to be able to compete with that R76, and at 14... Short answer no, just no. You will have to wait till...
Forum: Reviews August 27th, 2010, 02:38
Replies: 74
Views: 158,741
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Quick question, is this gun able to handle lipo...

Quick question, is this gun able to handle lipo (After reading all these and watching reviews i dont doubt it but would like to hear a suggestion) batteries? And do any retailers here carry extra...
Forum: Gear Discussion August 26th, 2010, 23:50
Replies: 10
Views: 32,516
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Where to buy M05 camo

Hey does anyone know where I can pick up some M05 camo BDUs and preferably a vest from when the Finnish were still using the Type 56-2's? Thanks.
Forum: Gear Discussion August 26th, 2010, 23:47
Replies: 37
Views: 54,120
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Fair enough man if you bust your ass that hard...

Fair enough man if you bust your ass that hard and you want to reward yourself then by all means.
Forum: General August 25th, 2010, 18:07
Replies: 29
Views: 19,635
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant

There are games like that played already. Also, just curious, how old are you?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 25th, 2010, 16:43
Replies: 31
Views: 21,855
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
How? You pay extra for less. You can buy a...

How? You pay extra for less. You can buy a propane adaptor and a coleman propane tank for around $40-50 bucks. That will last you around 100+ charges I think and not only that the adaptor is a one...
Forum: Gear Discussion August 25th, 2010, 15:21
Replies: 37
Views: 54,120
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
My advice, you play a simulation game, with toy...

My advice, you play a simulation game, with toy guns that shoot bbs... Do you really need to blow $300 on a pair of clothes for that game? Your not a soldier, and people have told you to buy tru-spec...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 25th, 2010, 04:35
Replies: 31
Views: 21,855
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
SRC = Cheap chinese clones, G&G are good for...

SRC = Cheap chinese clones, G&G are good for certain things, but ICS in my opinion would be the way to go. Higher chance of it being sold too when your ready to move on seeing as its not cansoft.
Forum: Gear Discussion August 24th, 2010, 02:07
Replies: 59
Views: 56,074
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Check out also a Russian Camo called Flora,...

Check out also a Russian Camo called Flora, should be fairly cheap depending on where you get it, russians make everything in abundance so surplus isnt usually short.
Forum: General August 22nd, 2010, 16:02
Replies: 57
Views: 44,075
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
many people have stepped up here to say the items...

many people have stepped up here to say the items they, or people they know have received from you arent usually what was described as far as condition wise, and not only that you said the laptop was...
Forum: General August 22nd, 2010, 15:58
Replies: 57
Views: 44,075
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Constant misrepresentations of items, having a...

Constant misrepresentations of items, having a generally hostile attitude, making threats to others, as well as trying to insult other members in a laughable childish/poor way. Its coming, and dont...
Forum: General August 22nd, 2010, 15:54
Replies: 57
Views: 44,075
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Forum: General August 22nd, 2010, 14:45
Replies: 57
Views: 44,075
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
If I were you id be speaking with other...

If I were you id be speaking with other moderators to see about having his mod status taken from him.
Forum: General August 22nd, 2010, 14:25
Replies: 57
Views: 44,075
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Well the train seems to be running out of track...

Well the train seems to be running out of track real fast by the looks of it.
Forum: Newbie Tank August 21st, 2010, 04:56
Replies: 15
Views: 13,609
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Now you see, I was just about to post where you...

Now you see, I was just about to post where you should go poke your head to find what you need, but your snarky attitude shot that.

Firstly: Im a chairsofter for the most part because im not 18,...
Forum: Newbie Tank August 21st, 2010, 04:48
Replies: 15
Views: 13,609
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Nope they dont, only AEG stuff.

Nope they dont, only AEG stuff.
Forum: Newbie Tank August 21st, 2010, 04:35
Replies: 15
Views: 13,609
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
How do you know if a par fits? Well did you...

How do you know if a par fits? Well did you finish all 18 holes?

Good luck having someone help you on here, ASC is against non Age Verified (18+) members find parts or AEGs or GBB(R)S, etc. Use...
Forum: General August 21st, 2010, 03:16
Replies: 1
Views: 3,908
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Wonderful review, definantly picking one up in...

Wonderful review, definantly picking one up in the future!
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 21st, 2010, 03:10
Replies: 3
Views: 7,193
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Its almost a rule of life as is gravity etc, if...

Its almost a rule of life as is gravity etc, if it has a reflective surface (glass/plexiglass) it will give off a certain sheen or reflection when light hits it, ultimately it comes down to whatever...
Forum: General August 21st, 2010, 02:34
Replies: 72
Views: 59,451
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
LOL well it wasnt a i guess a... direct? attempt...

LOL well it wasnt a i guess a... direct? attempt at trying to figure it out, but kinda like you see one thing, you get intrigued and check out the other thing that the last part left a clue I guess,...
Forum: General August 21st, 2010, 02:24
Replies: 72
Views: 59,451
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
To my extent of the discussions ive had with AVd...

To my extent of the discussions ive had with AVd members all I can say is I can do the exact same thing as The Saint, its a common loop hole, the only thing is you need to put the time aside to read...
Forum: General August 21st, 2010, 01:48
Replies: 72
Views: 59,451
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Ok Ive skimmed and poked my way around the...

Ok Ive skimmed and poked my way around the thread, I have a general idea of how Saint got the guns he did/does in country, not too hard as long as your willing to put up a fight and make a argument,...
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 17th, 2010, 00:46
Replies: 15
Views: 12,583
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
Its a WE? Well theres your problem!

Its a WE? Well theres your problem!
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 16th, 2010, 16:58
Replies: 11
Views: 9,044
Posted By Diabolic Tyrant
#1: your not age verified, so dont expect to be...

#1: your not age verified, so dont expect to be getting one.
#2: There are not RS Type 56's in Canada for $360, your looking at a site outside of canada, your gun will be seized and destroyed, and...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 135

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