Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
April 18th, 2007, 15:07
Replies: 12
Views: 10,308
Forum: Accessories Discussion
December 27th, 2006, 19:22
Replies: 59
Views: 26,163
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
December 27th, 2006, 14:17
Replies: 4
Views: 7,621
Only about 5000 rds so far but I thought the...
Only about 5000 rds so far but I thought the internals were in excellent shape given the high ROF. The exploded bearing on the one side of the bevel gear was probably caused by the stress of the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
December 24th, 2006, 13:02
Replies: 4
Views: 7,621
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
December 23rd, 2006, 21:45
Replies: 4
Views: 7,621
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
September 2nd, 2006, 09:04
Replies: 12
Views: 10,308
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
September 1st, 2006, 22:48
Replies: 12
Views: 10,308
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
August 28th, 2006, 12:10
Replies: 26
Views: 18,460
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
August 10th, 2006, 21:14
Replies: 1
Views: 4,090
Power Control System for Tanaka M700
My friend has the old version w/o the PCS. I have tried locating a PCS unit to no avail. Any ideas where he can pic one up? I've only found UNCompany but its out of stock.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
August 1st, 2006, 08:22
Replies: 12
Views: 10,308
It's actually made by Star. I wanted the quick...
It's actually made by Star. I wanted the quick spring change feature their gearbox uses. The Aug cylinder head is not necessary but helps aid in better airseal. I think that as long as you use an air...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
July 19th, 2006, 19:22
Replies: 2
Views: 4,076
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 29th, 2006, 20:57
Replies: 12
Views: 10,308
Enhanced airseal on the G36...
After much troublesome labor to pinpoint FPS loss on my G36, I did something right. I wanted to post my mods in case any other G36 users had similiar issues. I will note that any modification is done...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 29th, 2006, 17:26
Replies: 2
Views: 4,076
Madbull 6.03 PSG-1 590mm barrel...
I recently ordered a Madbull 590mm barrel for my CA33e. During inspection, I noticed that there is a flat edge (approx 1.5" long) along the barrel on the hop up end of the barrel. Is that barrel for...
Forum: Doctor's Corner
June 28th, 2006, 17:13
Replies: 11
Views: 7,469
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
June 19th, 2006, 20:02
Replies: 4
Views: 5,945
I am currently using a Aug prometheus cylinder...
I am currently using a Aug prometheus cylinder head in my G36. It is the correct size; the same as the stock one. However, the stock nozzle on that cylinder head is too tight of a fit (which I can't...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 16th, 2006, 12:11
Replies: 10
Views: 8,522
Hop up bucking installation issues
I understand and agree. I'm just dumbfounded at how every time I reinstall and adjust, I get different FPS ranges: 350 then 325 then 370. All the results are obtained when the hopup is off. I am...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 16th, 2006, 10:25
Replies: 10
Views: 8,522
Just an update...
I removed the bucking and...
Just an update...
I removed the bucking and reinstalled a new dry guarder bucking and reassembled. The FPS was at 350 (low in the first place for a PDI 170) but dropped even more to 300. It was...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 14th, 2006, 21:07
Replies: 10
Views: 8,522
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 14th, 2006, 17:57
Replies: 10
Views: 8,522
Hop up bucking lubrication...How much?
I think I may have found the culprit for some FPS loss and wanted some input. I installed a new Guarder clear bucking recently. During installation, I sprayed 100% silicon spray on the barrel, put...
Forum: Doctor's Corner
June 11th, 2006, 16:34
Replies: 10
Views: 9,259
Forum: Doctor's Corner
June 9th, 2006, 23:58
Replies: 10
Views: 9,259
Forum: Doctor's Corner
June 9th, 2006, 21:36
Replies: 10
Views: 9,259
Forum: Doctor's Corner
June 9th, 2006, 20:17
Replies: 10
Views: 9,259
Forum: Doctor's Corner
June 9th, 2006, 19:08
Replies: 2
Views: 4,654
Forum: Doctor's Corner
June 9th, 2006, 19:05
Replies: 10
Views: 9,259
G36 gear timing...Piston stops half way...
I've noticed that while shooting in semi, the piston will stop just about half way mid cycle. For example, I pull the trigger, BB exits barrel, cycle stops...yet when I removed the spring and spring...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 9th, 2006, 16:18
Replies: 0
Views: 3,073
Metal Hop up unit for G36
Has anyone tried the new metal hop up unit for the G36. I have been having a problem with hop up airseal. A Guarder clear bucking has typically solved the problem in the past with previous guns....
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 6th, 2006, 10:18
Replies: 1
Views: 3,756
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 2nd, 2006, 20:07
Replies: 24
Views: 19,062
360 would be average if you didn't have any...
360 would be average if you didn't have any bearings on the piston head or the spring guide. My gun is heavily upgraded; I get 410 with a SP120. In your bearingless small carbine setup, you would get...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
June 1st, 2006, 20:11
Replies: 177
Views: 842,367
My mistake, I was referring to the funnel shape...
My mistake, I was referring to the funnel shape on the piston striking side of the head. After additional reading, I realize that taper refers to the nozzle portion of the head. In that regard, is...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
May 30th, 2006, 16:18
Replies: 177
Views: 842,367
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
May 13th, 2006, 18:00
Replies: 177
Views: 842,367
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
May 13th, 2006, 16:56
Replies: 177
Views: 842,367
I got a higher one than you Illusion. I got in...
I got a higher one than you Illusion. I got in the Stage 3 (Airsoft Surgeon) spring in today and did a quick test. It chrono'd 465 fps. Nothing was changed/upgraded since previous tests -only the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
May 10th, 2006, 10:37
Replies: 177
Views: 842,367
I recently bought two new Airsoft Surgeon...
I recently bought two new Airsoft Surgeon springs: stage 1 and 2. I wanted to test/chorno them. I have an upgraded Star G36 that has the quick spring change feature (which is awesome for tests like...
Forum: Doctor's Corner
May 5th, 2006, 19:25
Replies: 8
Views: 5,929
Forum: Doctor's Corner
May 4th, 2006, 17:51
Replies: 8
Views: 5,929
I emailed approx 10 retailers before posting on...
I emailed approx 10 retailers before posting on forums. I figured some might have a similiar situation and could offer help. I bought the mag from an ASR classifieds ad and didn't know of the problem...
Forum: Doctor's Corner
May 4th, 2006, 17:42
Replies: 8
Views: 5,929
Replacement mag insert for Hero Arms drum mag
I recently purchased a Hero Arms G36 drum mag. Unfortunately the plastic magazine attachment (the part that you insert into the gun) snapped off at the point where it attaches to the magazine itself....
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
April 6th, 2006, 16:18
Replies: 0
Views: 3,011
Sector gear stripped -which one to buy
I'm running Systema torque up gears. The last tooth of my sector gear stripped. It is the one that makes to last contact with the las piston tooth before the pistion is released. I don't have to by a...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
March 28th, 2006, 19:41
Replies: 7
Views: 6,052
Low FPS...Trying to locate airseal problem
I have a CA33e (version 2 gearbox) with a long inner barrel (534mm). I am running a SP130 (new), torque gears, systema type0 cylinder, systema nozzle, Systema bearing piston head, Deepfire TN piston,...