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thpethalK March 4th, 2010 02:15


Does anyone know if these would be shipped out to Canada? Their Terms and Conditions mention that non-Mil/LE customers who order NIR products will be shipped the same item without the NIR technology and that FR items require Mil/LE ID, .gov/.mil email and Rank/Branch of Service...

$50.00 USD for some Desert MARPAT aint bad *fingers crossed*

BobbyDangerous March 4th, 2010 13:34

Jus use all terrain marpat. But why do you need desert camo?

I have Woodlands Marpat and All Terrain. I wan't Cadpat for urban...

pugs144 March 4th, 2010 14:24

There are only 2 kinds of issued MARPAT: Woodland and Desert. What is "All Terrain MARPAT"?

BobbyDangerous March 4th, 2010 14:59


Originally Posted by pugs144 (Post 1178712)
There are only 2 kinds of issued MARPAT: Woodland and Desert. What is "All Terrain MARPAT"?

I should have said ACUPAT.. My Bad..

BobbyDangerous March 4th, 2010 15:01

The Mexinadian March 4th, 2010 15:02

Woodland MARPAT has more than enough brown. Good enough for dry and dead brush.

BobbyDangerous March 4th, 2010 15:09


Originally Posted by The Mexinadian (Post 1178752)
Woodland MARPAT has more than enough brown. Good enough for dry and dead brush.

Yeah you can prob wear it in any terrain. same with Acupat..

desert night

The Mexinadian March 4th, 2010 15:11

Yeah except ACU doesn't work anywhere except the snow and an urban setting.

BobbyDangerous March 4th, 2010 15:14


Originally Posted by The Mexinadian (Post 1178756)
Yeah except ACU doesn't work anywhere except the snow and an urban setting.

all in application

The Mexinadian March 4th, 2010 15:22

The application WAS Operation Enduring Freedom and a lot of men and women got killed wearing it. Thus the Army finally making the choice to switch over to Multiscam. Now I'm not one to say "oh yay multicam!!" It certainly works better than ACU though. Trust me man, I've airsofted in a lot of different terrains down here in TX. Mountain, Urban, Woods. ACU never really did well.

None the less!!! It's what YOU WANT TO BUY. Buy what you want, you want MARPAT, buy it, you want ACU, Buy it.

Danke March 4th, 2010 16:00

I guess you can file that under further proof the US Army had no contingency plan to go to war with Texas.

I have seen ACU work out here great against bare broken rock like shale and sagebrush. It doesn't do so well in the green woods or brown dead leaves.

The desert night stuff would be lovely for anyone facing off against a group fitted out with vintage Soviet NVG gear.

Out here I have not seen either MARPAT blend well. I'm supposed meet a large group dressed in it next week so we'll see how that goes.

thpethalK March 4th, 2010 18:23


Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous (Post 1178751)

I already have an ACU set in UCP. Great pattern in photos, but up close, I personally don't feel like it's a good blend of colors for a desert environment. I was thinking I might try to tea dye them, but I'd rather not ruin a perfectly good ACU set just to try it. Also, if it was to turn out nicely, achieving the same consistency between blouse and pants would prove to be difficult, and even more so if my friends/teammates were to try to do the same to their ACUs.

Back on topic, I'm guessing nobody knows if I can order from them with no issue?

SINN March 4th, 2010 18:40

if you want issued marpat, then I would just go see army issue, or the little army store. Both carry issue marpat and in the GTA. If you want to order online then go to ebay. they have tons.

BobbyDangerous March 4th, 2010 18:50


Originally Posted by ksuechuc (Post 1178883)
Back on topic, I'm guessing nobody knows if I can order from them with no issue?

I honestly have no idea. I would say call or visit your local surplus store and ask them if they can get them..

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