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cdn_ February 16th, 2010 19:05

AEG that doesn't sound like a toy
Hey guys,

Are there any AEG's out there that have great performace and don't sound like like a wind up toy. I am looking for something that doesn't have that electic motor sound and sounds a bit closer to the real thing. Some of the blow back AEG seem to sound better, but I have not heard many good things about them as AEG.

If there are not any like that, are there ways to surpress this motor sound without sacrificing performance?

I thought of going to air but I would rather have an AEG.

wildcard February 16th, 2010 19:08

no such thing, unfortunately All AEG sounds like a sewing machine the only one that does not sound like one is a CAW M134

m102404 February 16th, 2010 19:19

The wind up comes from the motor, the gears and the "wind up" of the compressing the piston. Sort of a ziiip-twack of a shot. Plus the motor noise.

A precocking gun, that cocks the piston at the end of the shot has a "backwards" wind up...sort of twack-ziiip where you hear the shot, then a wind up, plus the motor noise. HK33E, PSG1, G&G L85

Some guns basically eliminate the delay (or comes very close to it). A working PTW has near instantaneous shot. Any "wind-up" is minimal compared to an AEG. So basically you just get a twack sound from each shot. No recoil or any "rifle-like" effect....but no sewing machine noise. Mind'll might still hear the motor...but not the gears when the piston is being compressed. If you haven't tried a PTW, try one if you can. When they work, they're gold...when they don't they suck.

Any of the "blow back" AEGs are either destructive...or are really dinky. More of an annoying clink-clack than actual bolt/firing noise. Sounds like your bolt is made out of a pop can when it cycles.

Soulfly February 16th, 2010 19:24

lose / lose situation.

baker_Jeff February 16th, 2010 19:51

A gas blowback rifle is the only way to escape the sewing machine sound.


L473ncy February 16th, 2010 20:04

You can minimize it but not eliminate it.

There was a post somewhere about making an AEG quieter, one things you can do is use sorbo pads, shim your gears right and set your motor height right. It will still sound like a sewing machine but it will minimize the "toy-like" sound.

The only real way is to go with a GBBR but in that case it's a money pit.

Soulfly February 16th, 2010 20:28


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1166104)
You can minimize it but not eliminate it.

There was a post somewhere about making an AEG quieter, one things you can do is use sorbo pads, shim your gears right and set your motor height right. It will still sound like a sewing machine but it will minimize the "toy-like" sound.

The only real way is to go with a GBBR but in that case it's a money pit.

Every hobby is a money pit.

Just pick where you want to spend it.

theguy February 16th, 2010 20:52

Building on what people said here. It will always be there, but if you want to make your AEG sounds better: Make sure the motor is adjusted perfectly, make sure your gears are shimmed well, Install a metal piston head (WARNING: Metal piston heads will wear your mechbox much faster, and will make it much more likely to break)

Amos February 16th, 2010 20:54


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1166104)
You can minimize it but not eliminate it.

There was a post somewhere about making an AEG quieter, one things you can do is use sorbo pads, shim your gears right and set your motor height right. It will still sound like a sewing machine but it will minimize the "toy-like" sound.

The only real way is to go with a GBBR but in that case it's a money pit.

Comm lathe'd and balanced motor
Proper motor height
Helical gears that are shimmed to perfection in bearings that fit properly
properly greased with a viscous grease
Sorbo piston head with a sorbo cylinder head
Light weight piston
Trigger Master unit with Active Breaking and Soft Start
High voltage battery that'll provide an instant trigger response
Cover the dead spots in the AEG with dense material (Epoxy, hot glue, expanding foam)

ThunderCactus February 17th, 2010 00:23

Buy a gas blowback rifle :p

StrikeFreedom February 17th, 2010 00:25

Put on earplugs like you do with RS. :)

ILLusion February 17th, 2010 00:35


Originally Posted by cdn_ (Post 1166053)
Hey guys,

Are there any AEG's out there that have great performace and don't sound like like a wind up toy. I am looking for something that doesn't have that electic motor sound and sounds a bit closer to the real thing. Some of the blow back AEG seem to sound better, but I have not heard many good things about them as AEG.

If there are not any like that, are there ways to surpress this motor sound without sacrificing performance?

I thought of going to air but I would rather have an AEG.

Systema PTW

Sha Do February 17th, 2010 01:20

A PTW with a one of those Novesk thingies to enhance the sound of the air discharge.


Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw February 17th, 2010 01:25

Fire Pig?

theguy February 17th, 2010 01:34


Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw (Post 1166366)
Fire Pig?

This, I believe

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