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Fisher_95 January 22nd, 2010 21:03

Grades/Rank epaulet
Est-ce que quelqu'un saurait où je pourrais acheter les grades de l'armée canadienne OD ou cadpat Ã* part CPgear.(site ou magasin)

Does anyone know where I can buy OD or cadpat canadian army rank epaulet excluding CPgear.
Thank you.

FOX_111 January 22nd, 2010 21:07

La pluspart des surplus de l'armée en ont.

Certains joueurs membre des forces vont peut être te regarder croche si tu te pavane avec tes grades, surtout si t'as un vrai uniforme.

Mais si tu le fais avec respect et humilité, je vois pas de problèmes pour les games, mais pas en public. (resto après la game genre.)

Double Tapper January 22nd, 2010 21:33

I appreciate the op in giving a bi lingual question,can we have a
bi lingual response to those who don't speak french please.:cool:

Ripperman79 January 22nd, 2010 21:36

OD 2lt or OC here

FOX_111 January 22nd, 2010 21:42


Originally Posted by Double Tapper (Post 1148293)
I appreciate the op in giving a bi lingual question,can we have a
bi lingual response to those who don't speak french please.:cool:

You could bablefish it.

I gave the typical answer about where to find ranks and how iffy it is with some people.

Double Tapper January 22nd, 2010 21:47

I could babel trout it,but I appreciate that you took the time to
answer in English.;) Thank you.
I myself wondered if there was another company besides CP gear.
It is true that ranks only or usually work with in your own group
structure.Others outside your group will some times look down
on the rank thing till they come to realize you are good enough
to hold the rank through your actions on the field.

Fisher_95 January 22nd, 2010 22:38

S'etait deja mon intention de les porter juste dans les game, car s'est pour mon team que j'ai fait avec mes amis et pour ma collection personnel.

It's my intention to wield the rank epaulet just for the game. It's for my team and for my personal collection.

Fisher_95 January 22nd, 2010 22:45

As-tu des exaples de surplus qui en on.

Do you have an example of military surplus to buy rank epaulets.

Kokanee January 23rd, 2010 08:29


Originally Posted by Double Tapper (Post 1148308)
It is true that ranks only or usually work with in your own group

If a group of players or a team does decide to use a ranking system, it's usually just internal to them. There are a few teams/orgs that have established groups in a few areas across the country, and they subscribe to the same rank system.


Originally Posted by Double Tapper (Post 1148308)
Others outside your group will some times look down
on the rank thing till they come to realize you are good enough
to hold the rank through your actions on the field.

Honestly no one is going to care what you have pasted to your shoulder. What people will care about is your honesty and integrity (calling your hits), your organizational skills (showing up on time to events) and your general attitude.

Your team mates (whether it be for one event or for a whole season) will care about your fitness level, your personal motivation level and your ability to keep thinking in the middle of an engagement.

While generally you'll find that players you'll encounter are not going to laugh at you for using a rank system, they are not going to be impressed by a "Staff Sgt" or "Capt" insignia either. Your personal conduct and deportment will determine how you are treated, like in most other social groups. Most players who wear rank (in my experience) just have it on their uniforms for a given event so that their impression of a specific group (US Soldier, British etc) is accurate.


Originally Posted by rifleman (Post 1148353)
As-tu des exaples de surplus qui en on.

Do you have an example of military surplus to buy rank epaulets.

CP gear is IMHO the best place to get CDN ranks. They are high quality and you can get custom branch/unit tabs done up. So long as you are not walking in public claiming to be in the CF while wearing your combats/ranks, you'll be fine (and yes, that has happened before.....idiots). If you get a hold of surplus IG in Montreal maybe they will have what you are looking for.

DiGi_QC January 23rd, 2010 09:10


Originally Posted by Double Tapper (Post 1148293)
I appreciate the op in giving a bi lingual question,can we have a
bi lingual response to those who don't speak french please.:cool:

FOX_111 January 23rd, 2010 09:10

Every army surplus store I went to had ranks and insignas. Some have more than other. Surplus Internationnal has some. Prefair in Belloeil has a lot too.

Fisher_95 January 23rd, 2010 10:12

Prefair doesn't have many rank, last week I went to prefair and I bought some and he doesn't have a lot of.

Fisher_95 January 23rd, 2010 10:38


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 1148485)
If a group of players or a team does decide to use a ranking system, it's usually just internal to them. There are a few teams/orgs that have established groups in a few areas across the country, and they subscribe to the same rank system.

Honestly no one is going to care what you have pasted to your shoulder. What people will care about is your honesty and integrity (calling your hits), your organizational skills (showing up on time to events) and your general attitude.

Your team mates (whether it be for one event or for a whole season) will care about your fitness level, your personal motivation level and your ability to keep thinking in the middle of an engagement.

While generally you'll find that players you'll encounter are not going to laugh at you for using a rank system, they are not going to be impressed by a "Staff Sgt" or "Capt" insignia either. Your personal conduct and deportment will determine how you are treated, like in most other social groups. Most players who wear rank (in my experience) just have it on their uniforms for a given event so that their impression of a specific group (US Soldier, British etc) is accurate.

CP gear is IMHO the best place to get CDN ranks. They are high quality and you can get custom branch/unit tabs done up. So long as you are not walking in public claiming to be in the CF while wearing your combats/ranks, you'll be fine (and yes, that has happened before.....idiots). If you get a hold of surplus IG in Montreal maybe they will have what you are looking for.

Ok thank you, yes it's very stupid to wear the ranks outside the game.

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