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ILLusion October 21st, 2009 11:02

It's Almost Hallowe'en!
Hallows'Eve is almost upon us, and with that, all of us at Airsoft Canada just wanted to wish airsofters around the world a safe and happy Hallowe'en.

Just as a safety reminder, it's important for all us to remember and realize how realistic our "toy" guns look, and that there have been many accidental police shootings due to realistic looking prop guns. Halloween costumes are not exempted from such accidental shootings, and care should ALWAYS be exercised with your airsoft guns.

As much as we would love to dress up and use our guns as props, it's always a better idea to use fluorescent and obviously fake gun for our props, rather than to use our airsoft guns.

Ideas used in the past:
  • Cardboard cut outs
  • Fluorescent plastic cap or dart guns (easily found at dollar stores)
  • Nerf guns
  • Super Soakers

Wishing you all safe trick or treating, and enjoy any parties you may attend.

hattrick October 21st, 2009 21:17

Aw can't I just keep the saftey on?

hattrick October 21st, 2009 21:18

disclaimer : YES I still trick or treat.

Frozen Tex October 21st, 2009 21:33

I'm sure no one wants to hear this here, but two years ago on Halloween night I walked several blocks through residential and downtown Yellowknife to a bar wearing a pretty full combat load-out, including ACUs, protec helmet, gear vest, Kabar knife and a black-painted, Walmart springer M4 and holstered sidearm. More than once, RCMP and municipal enforcement drove by, and didn't even slow down... At the bar, they liked they outfit so much they asked me to stand guard with the bouncers at the door.

Of course, this could be just a Yellowknife thing...

(Moderators, feel free to delete this post if you think I might give noobs bad ideas...;) )

Ronan October 21st, 2009 23:34

Ahh ASC, policing Canada :p

But seriously, keep it SAFE and SMART guys :)

holonite October 21st, 2009 23:34

ak and shemagh ?

Janus October 22nd, 2009 02:27

I'm sure we're all well-adjusted and aware enough to have not needed this warning and we're all smart and reasonable enough to agree it needed to be said anyway.

Happy Hallowe'en.

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw October 22nd, 2009 04:09


Originally Posted by Janus (Post 1089388)
I'm sure we're all well-adjusted and aware enough to have not needed this warning and we're all smart and reasonable enough to agree it needed to be said anyway.

Happy Hallowe'en.

I think you're on the wrong board :mrgreen:

Armyissue October 22nd, 2009 10:40

This is a little like the don't drink and drive you'll spill your drink routine.

Don't take your expensive AEG's out on Halloween, they could get confiscated.
Yes boys I sell these at the shop. Going quickly
These babies look great and range in price from $10-$22.00.
And make a great Leave behind incase the one night stand requires a second visit.

cerealmaniac October 22nd, 2009 13:12

i'd rather just get a super soaker and dress up as a Ghost Buster

Mudder October 23rd, 2009 06:32


Originally Posted by Armyissue (Post 1089495)

Where'd you find 'em?

The local store I get my cheapo springers from took them off the shelf during the Halloween season, till after.

AngelusNex October 23rd, 2009 07:44


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1089128)
I'm sure no one wants to hear this here, but two years ago on Halloween night I walked several blocks through residential and downtown Yellowknife to a bar wearing a pretty full combat load-out, including ACUs, protec helmet, gear vest, Kabar knife and a black-painted, Walmart springer M4 and holstered sidearm. More than once, RCMP and municipal enforcement drove by, and didn't even slow down... At the bar, they liked they outfit so much they asked me to stand guard with the bouncers at the door.

Of course, this could be just a Yellowknife thing...

(Moderators, feel free to delete this post if you think I might give noobs bad ideas...;) )

yeah.... I think that's just a northern territories sorta thing. toward the boarder people get much stupider.

MilanWG October 23rd, 2009 12:34

very cool. where can you get one? :)

Mudder October 23rd, 2009 13:22


Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN (Post 1090399)
very cool. where can you get one? :)

Yep, that was the one I was interested in also but too :o
to state.

demco11 October 23rd, 2009 15:36

If you have skills with woodworking or a basic knowledge you can free hand a m4/m16/ak47 or mp5 out of wood with a jigsaw and a
drill... I made an ak47 cut out from 1" thick plywood and spraypainted it black... Worked well as a prop and it's made of wood so police had no problems when I walked past them a couple years ago and actually got a compliment on my ak47 cut
out by an officer

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