Airsoft Canada

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goutchigoutchi May 25th, 2009 22:23

Need pro advice on the DPMS A-15 M4A1

This is the DPMS A-15 Panther M4A1 , from Airgunsource... cost 250 $.
Looking for some pro advice, or from someone who own one, or anybody else :)


guysullavin May 26th, 2009 00:01

I'm going to say no for the following reasons:

1. If your Canadian (which i think I'm safe to assume you are) then importing full-colored airsoft rifles is illegal and shall be confiscated at the border
2.You can still access full colored airsoft rifles, but you must get age verified and then you can buy from the classifieds
3. If you are too young then you can still buy Clear soft airsoft rifles. Which because of their partly clear nature are not stopped at the border. my suggested sites are: (free shipping) (no PST) (not suggested, but if you want lower-grade clearsoft then this is where to go, but it also sells high-quality G&G) (probably going to be the first to get the Clear ICS guns in)

Thats my pointer, and if you aren't Canadian, then knock yourself out.

goutchigoutchi May 26th, 2009 00:27


Originally Posted by guysullavin (Post 994650)
I'm going to say no for the following reasons:

1. If your Canadian (which i think I'm safe to assume you are) then importing full-colored airsoft rifles is illegal and shall be confiscated at the border
2.You can still access full colored airsoft rifles, but you must get age verified and then you can buy from the classifieds
3. If you are too young then you can still buy Clear soft airsoft rifles. Which because of their partly clear nature are not stopped at the border. my suggested sites are: (free shipping) (no PST) (not suggested, but if you want lower-grade clearsoft then this is where to go, but it also sells high-quality G&G) (probably going to be the first to get the Clear ICS guns in)

Thats my pointer, and if you aren't Canadian, then knock yourself out.

Thanks for your post, but...

First : This site is a Canadian seller and the gun is noted : Clear receiver . ( not like on pic)

Second :I'm 18 but I'm too lazy to get age verified :rolleyes:

Third : I'm canadian if I'm on this site? I wont knock myself thank you.

PS : Thanks for sites

I Would like advices on THE GUN please :)

NoGear May 26th, 2009 00:34

i would stay away from that gun because its to costly for 250$. i bellve my pal has about 5 of these in stock at his surplus store in 70 mile for about 104$ give or take 20$
exept its the clear version. iam also wondering if this is an ok aeg for reasons.

loner gun
cheap back up
spare parts to convert my thundermaul into a JG thundermaul M4 :)
im not sure if its tm compatable anyone mind clearing this up, epspecialy on the hand guard part :)

Ashton May 26th, 2009 00:36

Being too "lazy" to get age verified is a pretty weak excuse. You'll most likely find something of much higher quality in the classifieds for the same price.

goutchigoutchi May 26th, 2009 00:48


Originally Posted by Ashton (Post 994675)
Being too "lazy" to get age verified is a pretty weak excuse. You'll most likely find something of much higher quality in the classifieds for the same price.

Yeah I agree, that's a pretty bad excuse... but I don't know how good are those guns in classified. Moreover, I don't have a car, so it's not that easy to get age verified since it's only ' in person meeting ' .

I mean... does it really worth it to get age verified? The choice is that good in classified??

Styrak May 26th, 2009 00:55


Originally Posted by NoGear (Post 994671)
i would stay away from that gun because its to costly for 250$. i bellve my pal has about 5 of these in stock at his surplus store in 70 mile for about 104$ give or take 20$
exept its the clear version. iam also wondering if this is an ok aeg for reasons.

loner gun
cheap back up
spare parts to convert my thundermaul into a JG thundermaul M4 :)
im not sure if its tm compatable anyone mind clearing this up, epspecialy on the hand guard part :)

I'm fairly sure that's the rebranded JG, which means it's pretty good quality.

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw May 26th, 2009 00:57

Well first off where do you live? Maybe if we knew we could help you out better. Second of all, "too lazy to be AVed"? "not sure if its worth it"? Then I doubt airsoft is for you if you dont want to make any kind of effort and just expect things to fall in your lap. This is not intended to be a flame, just an observation. If a mod feels different I will edit my post.

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw May 26th, 2009 00:57


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 994682)
I'm fairly sure that's the rebranded JG, which means it's pretty good quality.


Ashton May 26th, 2009 00:59

Well, depending on where you live, you might be able to meet up at a game. I would advise the latter of the two as, unless you have been to a serious game already, it should give you a good idea of what you might want. Just make sure they have a rental waiting for you. As for the lack of a car, just try to hitch a ride with someone.

In the end I would say it's thoroughly worthwhile to get age verified. I've only been here a short while myself, but if you look at the classifieds long enough you'll find something you like that's in your price range. Plus it'll probably be full black, which is a plus in my eyes.

aznpos531 May 26th, 2009 01:00


Originally Posted by goutchigoutchi (Post 994680)
I mean... does it really worth it to get age verified? The choice is that good in classified??

From what everyone says, it's like Holt Renfrew versus Zellers.

NoGear May 26th, 2009 01:03


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 994682)
I'm fairly sure that's the rebranded JG, which means it's pretty good quality.

if that 104$ gun is a rebrand of a jg then ill be shitting logs for the next 5 days!

if its technicaly a jg then it should be a good gun. JG hasn't failed me yet with there old version or new version guns.

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw May 26th, 2009 01:09


Originally Posted by Ashton (Post 994691)
Well, depending on where you live, you might be able to meet up at a game. I would advise the latter of the two as, unless you have been to a serious game already, it should give you a good idea of what you might want. Just make sure they have a rental waiting for you. As for the lack of a car, just try to hitch a ride with someone.

In the end I would say it's thoroughly worthwhile to get age verified. I've only been here a short while myself, but if you look at the classifieds long enough you'll find something you like that's in your price range. Plus it'll probably be full black, which is a plus in my eyes.

This dude/dudette is a perfect example of how every newbie should be. Very knowledgeable as he/she actually puts forth the effort to read what has already been said a million times over, has demonstrated nothing but tact from what Ive seen in this persons posts. Hell if there was a "Newbie Of The Year" award Id dish it out to Ashton.


goutchigoutchi May 26th, 2009 01:10


Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw (Post 994685)
Well first off where do you live? Maybe if we knew we could help you out better. Second of all, "too lazy to be AVed"? "not sure if its worth it"? Then I doubt airsoft is for you if you dont want to make any kind of effort and just expect things to fall in your lap. This is not intended to be a flame, just an observation. If a mod feels different I will edit my post.

Woh woh... airsoft can't be ALL ABOUT this site...
I just want to play with some friends, I don't think I' m going to do a organized War soon. Maybe later if I really like it... but for now I just wan't to get started.
Don't take it too serious :O

Styrak May 26th, 2009 01:24


Originally Posted by NoGear (Post 994693)
if that 104$ gun is a rebrand of a jg then ill be shitting logs for the next 5 days!

if its technicaly a jg then it should be a good gun. JG hasn't failed me yet with there old version or new version guns.

No, the $104 one wouldn't be a JG. The $250 he lists most likely is.

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