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pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:15

WTF my gun blew up
I have had my m4 reworked and everything seem fine other then a battery issue, today it worked great all day got some kills and no issues except mag feed. At the end of the day i notice my hop up broke, got home went to reclear the gun fired once then stopped, saw a crack where the front flips up on the pin then looked into the magwell and my mech box got a huge crack. now i didnt hit the gun off anything while playing so if you have any idea all this may have happen cause im in a funk wondering why my gun blew up.

lemegacool April 26th, 2009 21:19

was your mechbox old? what fps were you firing?... v2 mechboxes have a bad habit of cracking in the front...

pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:25

thats exctly where it cracked, it just blows me away that this gun had such a major failure, mechbox receiver and hopup all at once. Is that normal?

mcguyver April 26th, 2009 21:29

It's not uncommon for Ver 2 guns to have that failure. It used to be a cold weather + M120 = kaboom sort of thing.

It used to happen to Marui guns, and clones are susceptable as well. Even some "reinforced" mechboxes have died this way.

Shirley April 26th, 2009 21:31

What hop-up is it? 1 piece or 2 piece? Plastic or metal 1 piece or plastic 2 piece?

lemegacool April 26th, 2009 21:32

well the mechbox can continue to work even when snapped, but when the piston smashes the cylinder head the gearbox isnt absorbing the shock anymore... your hop up an receiver are absorbing this shock ... sad but sounds like the mechbox snapped at the start of your game and progressively destroyed the hop up and finally the receiver.

pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:32

but the hopup and receiver broke too would this be related to the mechbox breaking. I believe it was upgraded with tm parts, and it chornied at 310.

pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:33


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 972216)
What hop-up is it? 1 piece or 2 piece? Plastic or metal 1 piece or plastic 2 piece?

hopup was plastic dont know if its 2 or 1 piece.

lemegacool April 26th, 2009 21:35


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 972218)
but the hopup and receiver broke too would this be related to the mechbox breaking. I believe it was upgraded with tm parts, and it chornied at 310.

thats exaclty what i was saying your hop up and receiver was receiving the shock of the piston directly

Shirley April 26th, 2009 21:36


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 972218)
but the hopup and receiver broke too would this be related to the mechbox breaking. I believe it was upgraded with tm parts, and it chornied at 310.

If it's a TM stock M4, then it is weird for it to break like that. TM's have a 2 piece for M4, and that the 2 piece breakes really easily. The second piece of the hop-up is screwed onto the lower reciever where it is very fragile. You would need to remove those in order to remove the mechbox out of the reciever. So in that case, the front smashing into the hop-up is supposed to happen for it to break. the the second piece of the hop up bashed into the front of the reciever making the reciever to break.

pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:37


Originally Posted by lemegacool (Post 972221)
thats exaclty what i was saying your hop up and receiver was receiving the shock of the piston directly

damn fucking piston nearly snapped my gun in 2.

lemegacool April 26th, 2009 21:42

it happened to my first gun ever a shitty mp5... it completely destroyed all the hop up and studs inside the gun giving me a great 260$ wall hanger:D

pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:46

to make matters worst my pistol mag is leaking, not a good day for my guns

cbcsteve April 27th, 2009 00:10


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 972231)
to make matters worst my pistol mag is leaking, not a good day for my guns

Did you lube it? Sometimes lubbing it with silicon oil 1-3 drops and letting it soak in for a while helps
If you did, one thing I did once was filling that valve hole with a small pool of lube and then letting it sit over night and it worked again

ILLusion April 27th, 2009 03:42

what piston head are you using?

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