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WarChild7 March 28th, 2009 14:19

What new guns would you like to see G&G make next?
G&G asked us the other day for our suggestions on what the next couple new guns they make should be. Since we sell more G&G guns than any other store on the East coast in the US, we have a great relationship with G&G, and they periodically asks for our input on things.

Certainly I have a few ideas, but I want to hear your ideas too so I can pass them along. Here's a cool opportunity to perhaps influence a manufacturer to make the gun you'd like to see next in their lineup!

ALLGAR March 28th, 2009 14:25

a famas

pusangani March 28th, 2009 14:28

No more AR's how about something Russian?

Tankdude March 28th, 2009 14:39

A Colt LSW

mcguyver March 28th, 2009 14:40

Winchester Model 1874.

You can't properly play Cowboys and Indians with MP5s and G36s

Disco_Dante March 28th, 2009 14:47


Donster March 28th, 2009 14:49

a WA2000 would be nice. personally i would love to see a WWII Full metal and wood G43 with plenty of aftermarket parts, such as Tightbores etc etc. i have been dying for a G43 and i think many others would buy it as well. in terms of cost efficiency, it would be easy cause then can use their M14 gear box as the guts and build out from there. case and point, look how fast those AGM Mp44 sold. i think a G43 would sell equally fast

Conker March 28th, 2009 14:49


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 949718)

I agree, a decent FN2000 and its integrated optic (as a separate accessory).

The TM FAMAS is old and the ACM isn't up to the task... to a new FAMAS would also be great.

kalnaren March 28th, 2009 15:02

How about an L85 that doesn't self destruct?

I too would also like to see a FA-MAS... I thought they had that on their list of things to do.

Drake March 28th, 2009 15:03

Given Magpul PTS' desire, but apparent difficulty, to put out an airsoft version of their MASADA/Bushmaster ACR, maybe G&G could work something out with them to help things along.

Since they already have various M14 bases, it probably wouldn't be too hard for them to put out an out-of-the-box EBR and/or M39 EMR (the USMC variant all manufacturers seem to be ignoring).

If they want to do something totally new and different, they could enter the LMG arena with a KAC Stoner 96, which no one has done yet (and someone really should). A '63 variant could be derived from it for the Vietnam -era players.

A Russian PKM could be another interesting LMG (to offset all the M60s and M249s), for the Russian and Mooj -themed players (and possibly PMC as well).

The Saint March 28th, 2009 15:06

I'd like to see a Masada/Bushmaster ACR as well, based on the most recent design variant.

Since G&G has a M14 design and access to wood working (evidence by their M14 Veteran edition), maybe a M1 Garand?

Tex March 28th, 2009 15:11


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 949711)
Winchester Model 1874.

You can't properly play Cowboys and Indians with MP5s and G36s

I'd take Winchester 1873 third model 20" or 22" please.

HeadlessChicken March 28th, 2009 15:12

Wouldn't mind seeing G&G jumping onto the P90 band wagon. Make some more competition for TM, CA, and Echo1.

Is there an airsoft Tavor TAR-21? Just a though, will probably google it later though.

bodydropper March 28th, 2009 15:30

ACR Magpul (MASADA) Scar!

WarChild7 March 28th, 2009 15:33


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 949732)
Since they already have various M14 bases, it probably wouldn't be too hard for them to put out an out-of-the-box EBR.


Originally Posted by HeadlessChicken (Post 949740)
Is there an airsoft Tavor TAR-21?

Both the G&G M14 EBR and the ARES Tavor TAR-21 were shown at The Shot Show. I've got pics of both here:

The EBR doesn't have a release date yet, but the Tavor with MARS scope will be here in mid-April for $500.

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